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Simplistic simulation of twitter with support for multiple concurrent and persistent connections.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Assume installation on Ubuntu 18.04.


You will need an updated version of gcc and make to compile program.

sudo apt-get install build-essential


  1. Clone this repository on both client and server machines.
    git clone
  2. Navigate to directory and compile program.
    cd trivial-twitter-v2/
  3. On client machine, run:
    ./ttweetcli <ServerIP> <ServerPort> <Username>
  4. On server machine, run:
    ./ttweetsrv <Port>


Once a connection has been established, the client supports the following commands:

  1. tweet​ "<150 char max tweet>" <Hashtag>
  2. subscribe​ <Hashtag>
  3. unsubscribe​ <Hashtag>
  4. timeline
  5. exit

Notable Features


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details